
Unlocking the potential of whole blood for downstream single cell analysis: A guide to multiplexing and fixation

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Single cell analysis of blood samples could help uncover disease mechanisms, inform patient stratification, and evaluate drug efficacies and toxicities. But single cell assays have not been compatible with convenient blood preservation methods that would ease logistical constraints. To overcome this obstacle, we’ve developed a new sample prep workflow that lets you perform scRNA-seq on translational samples at your own pace. Now, you can store and transport these critical samples, isolate cells on a flexible schedule or at a central location. With our Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression Flex assay, you can also reduce per-sample costs, batch and multiplex to reduce per-sample costs by up to 75%, decrease sequencing cost, and maximize your resources.

In our upcoming webinar, we will discuss new workflows and dive into the data. 

Join us to get all the details, including:

  • Complexity and sensitivity data from PBMCs and leukocytes isolated from fixed whole blood 
  • Analysis of assay performance on samples that have been fixed for up to 7 days, followed by storage at –80°C
  • A look at results using fixed whole blood from healthy and diseased samples


Adriana Suarez, PhD
Adriana Suarez, PhD

Sr. Science & Technology Advisor
10x Genomics

Andrew Warkman Headshot.jpeg
Andrew Warkman, PhD

Staff Field Application Scientist
10x Genomics

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