Chromium GEM-X Single Cell

The neXt generation of single cell starts with GEM-X

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The GEM-X advantage | Maximize critical insights | What customers are saying | Request a quote

Get started with resources for Chromium GEM-X

Your research never stops evolving, so why should your methods? Conduct more impactful research with our newest innovations in transcriptomic profiling: Chromium GEM-X Single Cell Gene Expression v4 and Chromium GEM-X Single Cell Immune Profiling v3.

These assays are powered by advanced GEM-X technology and supported by the Chromium X Series instruments, enabling incredible efficiency and reproducibility. Other methods require hours of hands-on time, which increases variability and the risk of user error. By pairing GEM-X microfluidics and optimized chemistry, robust single cell profiling with unmatched sensitivity is now more cost-effective and accessible.

The GEM-X advantage

Our tried-and-tested Chromium Single Cell assays have been used in over 7,000 peer-reviewed publications to date. Now, with GEM-X technology, this workflow lets you capture more genes and complexity than ever before. New chip architecture has been optimized based on a wealth of experience from the Next GEM assays, enabling increased cell throughput at higher capture rates. What does this mean for your samples, your data? The short answer: higher performance across the board.

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Maximize critical insights

Accelerate your experiments by barcoding tens of thousands of cells in only 6 minutes, and get the most out of your precious samples:

  • Capture more cells with up to 80% recovery efficiency—significantly higher than other commercially available solutions
  • Get results quickly with faster run times that do not negatively affect cell stress; we have even observed improved capture of fragile cells
  • Increase throughput and reduce multiplet rates by 2x, with twice as many Gel Beads-in-emulsion (GEMs) generated at a smaller volume
  • Increase success rates with improvements in chip design that reduce clogging
What customers are saying

Your success is always front of mind as we continue to develop more advanced single cell technology. We are hearing feedback from researchers that GEM-X is making a positive impact on individual labs and core facilities. You can check out customer data as part of our toolkit.

Long-time users from the Quertermous lab at Stanford University recently started a project using our new GEM-X-powered scRNA-seq assay. They can’t wait to see how the increased sensitivity amplifies their discovery power.

The University of Illinois DNA Services Core recently upgraded to our GEM-X assays. They’ve already started to put these incredible kits to use and told us they're just as excited as their users to push the boundaries of discovery.

Learn more about these assays and start planning your own experiments with our GEM-X toolkit. This convenient collection of resources includes performance comparisons, customer data, webinar access, product specs, user guides, and more. Download the toolkit today to accelerate your single cell research.

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