Breaking Spatial Barriers: Introducing Visium Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE

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Presented by 10x Genomics

Break past the barriers that prevented spatial analysis of gene expression in FFPE tissue sections and unlock what has been hiding in your samples using Visium Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE tissues. Combining the benefits of histological techniques with the massive throughput and discovery power of RNA sequencing in FFPE tissue samples, Visium Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE is a groundbreaking tissue profiling solution that complements traditional histopathologist-led analysis. 

In this webinar, learn how to:

  • Spatially profile the whole transcriptome in human and mouse FFPE samples with high resolution
  • Discover novel cell types and biomarkers with morphological context and spatial organization
  • Resolve complex tissue heterogeneity in oncology, neuroscience, and beyond

The webinar will consist of a ~40 minute presentation followed by a live Q&A session.