
Whole transcriptome spatial discovery at the resolution you need

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Powerful whole transcriptome spatial gene expression meets single cell–scale resolution in Visium HD. Discover new worlds of biology in every micron of tissue, and obtain best-in-class data with the simple-to-run CytAssist-enabled workflow.

Register for our upcoming webinar introducing Visium HD to explore its unique benefits, including:

  • Single cell scale: Take a look at our next-generation slide architecture, allowing whole transcriptome spatial analysis at single cell–scale resolution with continuous tissue coverage
  • Exquisite data quality: Learn about the importance of precise transcript localization enabled by Visium CytAssist, and innovative probe-based chemistry for accurate data
  • Discovery power: See data from human FFPE tissues demonstrating how Visium HD can map the spatial organization of cell types and states in complex tissue microenvironments



Naishitha Anaparthy
Senior Scientist, Molecular Biology
10x Genomics


Omer Bayraktar, PhD
Group Leader, Cellular Genetics
Wellcome Sanger Institute
