Getting started with the spatial sequencing workflow:
From sample preparation to data analysis

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The number of publications using spatial transcriptomics approaches are increasing at a rapid rate, ever since it was named method of the year in 2020. At the same rate, protocols for spatial transcriptomics are constantly being developed, refined, and expanded. Two of the most popular protocols are Visium and Visium CytAssist from 10x Genomics. Carrying out Visium protocols – like most other spatial transcriptomics protocols - requires expertise in multiple disciplines: histology, microscopy, Next Generation Sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. Therefore, the complete workflow is often split amongst multiple persons/facilities covering different areas of expertise. This, however, results in an increased need for good coordination and communication for every experiment.

The Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) and USZ Pathology collaborate to offer the complete Visium H&E workflow and all its extensions as a full service. With the acquisition of the new Novaseq X Plus at FGCZ, the complete workflow has become cheaper and more popular than ever.

In this webinar you will learn about:

  • Functional Genomics Center Zurich
  • Requirements for the Visium and Visium CytAssist workflow and how to establish it efficiently
  • Sequencing requirements for Visium and Visium CytAssist on Illumina platforms

The webinar will consist of a ~45 minute presentation followed by a live Q&A session.


ChristianUrban2 (1).jpg

Christian Urban

Spatial Genomics Expert
Functional Genomics Center Zurich

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Catharine Aquino

Group Leader Genomics Analytics
Functional Genomics Center Zurich

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Vivek Mishra

Sr Segment Marketing Manager, Europe

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Johanna Stergiadou

Science and Technology Advisor
10x Genomics

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