Independent technology comparisons

Benchmarking comparisons: Highlighting spatial imaging comparison studies

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Over the past 16 months, seven independent publicly available studies have been completed comparing the Xenium platform with Nanostring CosMx and/or Vizgen MERSCOPE. 

Check out the table below and see how Xenium was able to consistently outperform competitors by:

  • Providing better spatial resolution and discrimination of cell types
  • Demonstrating greater concordance with orthogonal benchmarking technologies
  • Identifying more transcripts on shared genes
  • Offering greater specificity with lower background noise

Then read on for a deep dive into Ren et al., and see the highlights of how the Xenium platform won versus Nanostring CosMx!

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Pre-print Platform compared Samples Gene panels Hightlighted data

Systematic benchmarking of high-throughput subcellular spatial transcriptomics platforms

Ren et al., Dec 2024. (1)



Treating naive tumors in FFPE from: colon adenocarcinoma (COAD), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and ovarian cancer (OV)

Xenium: Human 5K

CosMx: Human 6K

Overlapping genes: 2,522

Figure 1
Xenium shows greater correlation with scRNA-seq data.

Figure 2
Xenium has lower negative probe signal and higher signal to noise ratio.

Figure 4
Xenium identifies more cell types, has more consistent cell typing across different tools, and has higher correlation with CODEX data for immune cells.

Comparison of imaging-based single-cell resolution spatial transcriptomics profiling platforms using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor samples

Lermi et al., Dec 2024. (2)




5-µm serial sections of FFPE surgically resected lung adenocarcinoma and pleural mesothelioma samples obtained from 2016 to 2022 and placed in tissue microarrays (TMAs)

Xenium: Human lung panel (289 genes) + 50 custom genes

Merscope: Human I/O panel (500 genes)

CoxMx: Human 1K

Figure 2
Xenium shows lower noise and lower false discovery rates 

Figure 5
Manual annotation of the data resulted in Xenium identifying more cell types.

Single-cell spatial transcriptomics of fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsies reveals colitis-associated cell networks

Mennillo et al., Nov 2024. (3)




FFPE TMA containing colon biopsies from UC patients and patients without IBD

Xenium: Custom 290 gene panel

CosMx: Human 1K

Merscope: Custom 280 gene panel

Xenium & CosMx  gene overlap: 159

Figure 2
Xenium recovers more cell types for both coarse and fine annotations.

Figure 3
Xenium identifies differential gene expression in both the UC and IBD cohorts.

Comparison of spatial transcriptomics technologies across six cancer types

Cervilla et al., May 2024. (4)



6 untreated primary tumor samples, FFPE tissues from colorectal, breast, lung, lymphoma, ovarian, and bladder cancers

Xenium: Human multi-tissue v1 (377 genes)

CosMx: Human 1K

Overlapping genes: 125

Figure 2
When comparing shared scanned areas and genes (125), Xenium detected more cells with a lower false discovery rate.

Single cell approaches define forebrain neural stem cell niches and identify microglial ligands that enhance precursor-mediated remyelination Willis et al., Mar 2024. (5)



Fresh frozen mouse brain

Xenium: Custom 347 gene panel

Merscope: Custom 300 gene panel

Overlapping genes: 119

Figure 4
Merscope confirmed Xenium’s findings, identifying similar cell types in the same locations..

Systematic benchmarking of imaging spatial transcriptomics platforms in FFPE tissues

Wang et al., Dec 2023. (6)




23 FFPE tissue types; 2 TMAs

TMA1 = 7 different cancer types (3–6 patients)

TMA2 = 16 normal tissues (1 patient)

Xenium: Human breast, lung, and multi-tissue panels

CosMx: Human 1K

Merscope: Custom panels to match Xenium breast and lung panels

Overlapping genes: 94

Figure 2
Xenium has a higher percentage of genes above noise across sample types.

Figure 5
Xenium consistently identified more cell types across samples.

A comparative analysis of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics platforms

Cook et al., Dec 2023.



Prostate cancer FFPE

Serial sections

Xenium: Human multi-tissue v1 (377)

CosMx: Human 1K

Overlapping genes: 125

Figure 2
Xenium data shows higher correlation with snPATHO-seq data and lower noise.

Figure 4
Xenium had higher sensitivity and dynamic range is consistent in independent samples.

Study highlight: How Xenium Prime 5K wins 

In a recent preprint, “Systematic benchmarking of high-throughput subcellular spatial transcriptomics platforms,” Ren et al. performed a head-to-head comparison of the Xenium platform with CosMx. 

Read on and see for yourself how, in their hands, the Xenium platform:

Identified more cell types 

Why it matters:
Single cell spatial is fundamentally single cell data; high performance, coupled with the genes included in your assay, should lead to greater ability to discern cell types and better reflect the true biology of your tissue.

Example data:

In the data highlighted above, the Xenium platform identified a greater number of cell types than the CosMx assay it was paired up against. The authors also commented, “Xenium 5K showed a higher proportion of cells consistently annotated as the same cell type across tools, indicating robust annotation reliability,” and that, “Xenium 5K exhibited the most distinct expression patterns, facilitating more accurate cell type annotations." 

These findings were consistent with Mennillo et al. 2024, Lermi et al. 2024, and Wang et al. 2023, all of which showed the Xenium platform identifying a greater number of cell types versus CosMx and/or MERFISH.

Better reflected the ground truth of single cell sequencing

Why it matters:
Single cell sequencing is the gold standard for single cell transcriptomics, so single cell spatial should correlate with scRNA-seq and snRNA-seq across the entire range of gene expression.

Example data:

 Using well-established single cell RNA-seq as a ground truth, the authors demonstrated that the Xenium platform showed higher correlation with scRNA-seq across ~4 logs of dynamic range (Figure 2). In contrast, CosMx showed a lower correlation. Of particular note, these findings were consistent in every study cited above that compared single cell or single nuclei RNA-seq to CosMx, with several researchers suggesting that inflation of low-expression gene counts in CosMx drove the reduced dynamic range.

Offered lower background noise and a higher signal-to-noise ratio

Why it matters:

Accurate single cell spatial imaging data requires genuine transcript calls—not false positives masquerading as data. A high signal-to-noise ratio, coupled with low background noise, helps give you confidence in your assay’s performance.

Example data:

The authors noted that, “After normalization by the total number of signals, Xenium 5K showed a lower ratio of negative control signals compared to CosMx 6K. Notably, negative probes consistently exhibited stronger signals than negative codewords for both platforms, suggesting nonspecific binding to target transcripts are the primary source of background noise in iST platforms.” In the above data, the Xenium platform also exhibited a markedly higher signal-to-noise ratio (Figure 3).

This is important because high target specificity is a requirement for accurate and reliable measurements of transcripts in single cell spatial imaging experiments. High background noise can make it difficult to distinguish low-expression transcripts from background noise (an observation highlighted by both Wang et al. 2023 and Cook et al. 2023) and raise concerns about whether your data is actually data, or false positives.

Forging a brighter spatial future with single cell spatial

Xenium single cell spatial imaging is helping power scientific success by enabling researchers to identify a wide variety of cells, efficiently resolve rare and difficult cell types, and instill confidence with high concordance to single cell sequencing. Read the articles to see for yourself all the ways that the Xenium platform wins versus the competition, and reach out to learn more about what Xenium In Situ can do for your work!

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  1. Ren P, et al. Systematic benchmarking of high-throughput subcellular spatial transcriptomics platforms. bioRxiv (2024) doi: 10.1101/2024.12.23.630033
  2. Lermi n, et al. Comparison of imaging-based single-cell resolution spatial transcriptomics profiling platforms using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor samples. bioRxiv (2024). doi: 10.1101/2024.12.13.628390
  3. Mennillo E, et al. Single-cell spatial transcriptomics of fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsies reveals colitis-associated cell networks. bioRvix (2024). doi: 10.1101/2024.11.11.623014
  4. Cervilla S, et al. Comparison of spatial transcriptomics technologies across six cancer types. bioRxiv (2024). doi: 10.1101/2024.05.21.593407
  5. Willis A, et al. Single cell approaches define forebrain neural stem cell niches and identify microglial ligands that enhance precursor-mediated remyelination. bioRxiv (2024). doi: 10.1101/2024.03.22.586277
  6. Wang H, et al. Systematic benchmarking of imaging spatial transcriptomics platforms in FFPE tissues. bioRxiv (2023). doi: 10.1101/2023.12.07.570603
  7. Cook D, et al. A comparative analysis of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics platforms. bioRxiv (2023). doi: 10.1101/2023.12.13.571385